Sunday, August 15, 2010

Round 1

Why would God create someone who is just going to end up in hell anyways?
When you assume God exists, it's hard to answer the question. If God is real and all-mighty and all-knowing, he would know what will happen if Hitler is born, and is able to prevent it. But he did not. Why? It doesn't make sense. The most reasonable answer, is that God didn't exist so he couldn't prevent it, otherwise he would have.

Same with the other villains in the world, they killed countless people and did so many bad things. Also many natural disasters, like the Haiti earthquake that killed many INNOCENT people. God should have been able to prevent that, why didn't he?

You believe the answer is unknowable. It doesn't make sense as you assume God exists.
But when I answer it: He doesn't exist, it could make sense. "God didn't prevent it because God didn't exist" - is possible, and is the only answer that could be made; the only possible answer.

One question done, let's move on to another one.

The Bible believes in praying to God. Do you?

It's a tough question brother. I can't claim to speak for God or Christianity or Christians in general. In fact I often am put off by the vast majority of people claiming to be Christians. I can only speak for myself and my own understanding of God and Jesus and what it means to be a dude of faith. I'm a cerebral fucker. I question everything. And coming to the point where I'm at with my walk with God wasn't quick and definitely wasn't easy. I think the thing that did if for me was when I was convicted, when I realized in my heart and not my brain, that God was very real. And he's not some white bearded old dude sitting up in heaven, casting people to hell and being indifferent towards human suffering. That he's a God who wants to be a true father to us and be real presence in our lives. Once that moment happened, and it continues to happen...often, all my 'why' questions regarding God ceased. I realized that we truly are his creation. He made this whole universe, this planet, and he wants to have a personal relationship with me. He already knows me, and he wants me to know him. I believe that every persons relationship with God is different. As unique as we are. We all have our own roadblocks stopping us from relationship with him. Some are unspeakable things in our past, or questions about the horrible events happening in the world around us, past and present. Like I said, your question is a good one, a tough one, and the answer isn't simple. But, I believe that when God created this planet, man, he knew full well that when he gave us free will and consciousness that we would fall away from him and sin would enter the world. God is perfect, pure love, and in him there is no evil. Comes from him no evil. He made us a physical representation of himself (free will and all) and he made us to be in relationship with him. In that perfect and pure form that God himself is. But when we fell, and sin entered the universe it sent everything off on a different trajectory. Everything was perfect before sin, everything's been fucked up since. (Hitler/Earthquakes) Why? If there's a God, why? I believe it's because he want's us to choose to have that relationship with him that we were created for. And the way to do that is to willfully come to God and acknowledge that Jesus was perfect. That he was sinless and that his murder, his sacrifice, was for us. It was for me. It was for you. He wants us to recognize that freely. He created us and gave us free will so that we can choose to be in relationship with him. And one day he'll rid it all of sin. One day he'll take back what he initially made, and remake it like it once was. Perfect. With those, throughout the course of human history were able to deny themselves and were able to recognize that the Lord made us for a specific purpose. To live life with him and for him. And in a manner that is like him. Like I said before, he doesn't want to, nor does he, pull strings. He's not a puppet master of a God. He's a personal one. Does he have the power to stop all these atrocities from happening? Of course. But if he did he would be denying us our free will and consciousness(even if we never knew what was happening) and exploiting his creation. He would be pulling strings and in doing so not only violate our free will but he would be denying himself in doing so. Which he would never do. I say an answer is unknowable because I'm not going to pretend to speak to the logic of God. Instead of making one up based on my own reasoning would be diluting the true answer. My own personal answers to those types of questions are heart and not head answers and are rooted in that which I wrote above. That answer might not be good enough for you. Like I said, everyone's relationship with God is different and everyone has their individual roadblocks that stop them from putting their ego/intellect aside and willing accept God's love and salvation, and recognize that he actually knows more than we do about how to live and operate during our time on this planet. For some people faith is easy. They just believe and accept and go on living and loving God. For me it was never easy. I was intellectually trying to understand God to define him. It wasn't until I understood that I could never 'understand' Him, intellectually speaking(He made the universe, I'm just a dude.), but I could have a very real relationship with him, far greater than I ever thought. I know God exists, in my guts first followed by my brain. It's no longer a question out there in the ether for me. It's a certainty, as surely as water is wet. When the switch is turned, for me, it all made sense. And I'm a spiritual infant. I can only hope and pray that this relationship I'm developing with the Lord continues to grow and strengthen. I want it to. And yes, I pray. Often. It's comforting, it's powerful, and it's very real.

Sorry that got so long dude. I hope you read it all. :)
ok talk later,

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