Sunday, August 15, 2010

Round 2

I understand that one question probably was not enough to prove Atheism, that's why I'll move into the next question.

But first, it's not impossible that God doesn't exist, you gotta admit. When you look around, you don't see God at all. "God doesn't exist" - Impossible? No.

When you believe in God, you get that powerful, comforting, real feeling. So what happens if God disappears? Do you feel empty inside? If God and Christianity was gone from the world, and you grew up never knowing Christianity, you will feel normal, not empty. There is no difference. If God disappeared yesterday, you won't notice it. After all, he's just watching, not controlling the world as a puppeteer. He's not doing anything to you, just watching, so there's no difference for you to notice if he disappears.

The wonderful feeling you have to God, it's just from your mind. If God disappeared yesterday, you wouldn't notice, and you would still have the same feeling you have with him.

Bottom line: It's no different from having a good feeling with nothing. It's not impossible that you have a good feeling with a God that doesn't exist. (I know my grammar there was amateurish)
You gotta admit it's not impossible. The only way it's impossible is if God actually shows himself, which will make it undeniable proof that he exists, so it's impossible that he doesn't exist. But God doesn't show himself, you can't ignore the possibility that he doesn't exist.

(Edward Current pretends to be a Christian)


The Bible believes in praying to God. Do you?

Hey Snake,
(i'm going to call you snake from now on :)

First off, atheism can't be proven. It's a belief system, just like Christianity. You're just like me, we just believe in different god's. Atheism is a system of faith that believes that the lack of physical evidence proves that no God exists. That because we cannot apply the scientific method and conclude there's a creator then this universe and all it, are a fluke. A mathematical impossibility. Your god is man's logic and reason. Your god is the scientific method. A man made process of evaluation that put himself and his brain at the top of all that is knowable. You have to have faith that this is all there is. I can't buy that god. And science has yet to nor will ever(i believe) find what they're looking for. The how and why we even exist. How this 'big bang' and evolution of man ever happened. God is everywhere and man's genius can't even see him.

It's not impossible that God doesn't exist? I absolutely disagree, brother. It is impossible. I know him. He's a part of my daily life. He is my daily life. I don't think you really understand what I meant when I spoke of having a real relationship with him. My worldview, how I see my life, after realizing what it meant to finally accept my salvation, and acknowledge my sin, is 180 degrees from what it was prior. It's not my life anymore. It's his. That's is, rock solid in my guts. As real as I am. He created it all and he wants me.
That is a fact in my life. And more real than anything. Especially the 'what if' and 'why' questions of my past.(and like the one's we're talking about)
You can't experience God because you're not at that place where you can meet him. You're not at the point where I was. When you finally realize that the creator of the universe made me to know him and that I've been wasting all this time trying to figure life out, when the answer is right there to begin with. You feel foolish, but then you feel grateful. I talk to him, and experience his presence. Not nearly as often as I'd like. More often than not, it's a one way conversation, but that's changing. Like I said before, I'm still an infant. Jesus Christ is my reality. He was perfect, he was God, he is God. And he showed us how to live, and it's so simple. 'Religion' has screwed it up. Man, using that same logic and reason that has led humans towards atheism, has distorted over time, the pure and simple truth that God is.

Would it be possible to tell if God were to disappear, what would happen, could we tell? I can no longer even comprehend a universe without God. There would be no universe. There would be no Earth. We wouldn't be here. God is woven into the fabric of everything. He is the source from which all things originated. Everything is his. From the Horse Head Nebula to the Mariana Trench. Me, you. The Bible speaks of a day in the future when God will remove his protective hand from this planet. I guess then we'll find out what that's like. I wouldn't want to be around for that.

It is impossible for me for me to have good feelings with a God that doesn't exist.(your grammar was fine dude :) He does. I would have agreed with you in the past, but then, like I said, I finally got to the point where I was able to put my own ego aside and stop trying to 'figure out' God.

In regards to the video. That man's a joke.(no offense) He has an enormous ego, and thinks he's far more intelligent than he actually is. I just feel bad for him. He's making a fool of himself on the internet.

And yes, the Bible talks of prayer. Often. I absolutely pray, it's part of my daily life.

Here's a video for you in return. It's a lecture called 'Everything is Spiritual'.
It's about an hour and a half though. But it's radical. It's not at all preachy. It's a talk about The Bible and God and science and our universe and planet.

Hope you take the time to watch. I hope it causes you to keep asking questions. You have a good brain. That's a gift from God.

Take care Snake.

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