Sunday, August 15, 2010

Round 5

Scientists doesn't need to have faith that gravity is real. They know it's real.
Knowing and having faith is different. Faith=having hope in something. When people see things as is, they don't hope that's what they see. They know that's what they see. Bottom line:
Christianity - pure faith
Science - logic/seeing as is

Many people believing in God doesn't prove he exist. The reason why many believe, is because of the Bible or they've been told. Why many kids believe in Santa, is because of TV or they've been told he exists. God = Santa for grown-ups.

Now I think (not hope) that most people in Youtube or at least half, might not believe in God. 99% of the time, atheist videos have higher ratings than Christian videos. Atheist comments usually have more thumbs up than Christians.

An atheist pretending to be Christian (don't watch it)

But a comment that says "God doesnt exist" is a highest rated with 8 thumbs up. Of course Christians thumb it down, but there are more atheists.

4. But why won't God heal amputees?

"Well sure, everybody else can be healed by God and everything. If someone doesn't die and survives the disease, people would go ahead and say it's because of God. But when someone is amputated, they say oh God won't heal that, well because... um... he just won't heal that. Though if someone else gets healed, it was the doing of God."

Yeah right.

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?

The video has good ratings, watch it to the end. I assure you it's not about nonsense.

The video proves the below.
God doesn't punish sinners or reward people for good deeds, because God doesn't exist. Things happen at random, it's not God's doing.


You're correct. You don't have to have faith to believe in gravity. It's a scientific fact. I'm NOT arguing against science. I love science. I think it's one of the greatest developments of our species. I'm not disagreeing with nor condemning science. I'm a proponent of it. But science has never proven, nor dis proven God. I believe it never will. So we all have faith, Snake, it just depends on which we choose. Atheism is the believe in the physical world and all that is proven by science. Atheist have faith that science (man's rational intellect/ego) can explain and comprehend the magnitude of this universe.

You are also correct. The number of actual people that believe in God, as overwhelming as it is, does not prove that God exists. But the volumes of people baring witness to God working in there lives is staggering. You said it yourself, 3 out of 4 doctors believe that God is performing medical miracles today. That's a staggering number. I've seen God work in my life. In way's I never even saw coming. Are these people delusional? Lying? What about the 75% of doctors? Are they lying? Crazy? What about me? Am I nuts? While I concede that in all of that, there is no 'physical proof'. Nothing that can be worked in a lab or theorized over and replicated. Nothing that the scientific method (we'll get to Epicurus) can be applied to. But this is eye witness testimony to something outside of themselves working in the world and in their lives. In my life. Our God is not a science experiment or something that can be boiled down to a theorem. He's much bigger.

A woman at my mothers church was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. If i recall properly it consumed over half of the left hemisphere of her brain. After multiple doctors visits and test she was to have advanced treatments(i don't know if it was advanced radiation or actual surgery). Before that happened her doctor told her that it had vanished. The tumor, all of it. It was gone. There in the day before. Then gone. The doctor had no clue as to what happened. Science can't explain it. She had malignant brain cancer one day. Absolutely cancer free the next. Unbelievable. Crazy. But true. Why her, why her cancer and not someone else? I don't know. But my not knowing doesn't change the fact that it happened.

So it really comes down to that which you choose to have faith in. Man's intellect/science or God. Like I said before. We can't prove anything about this universe and why we're here. Either way. For or against God. So you have to have faith in something. I've chosen God.

As far as your You Tube point. I don't understand how the number of atheistic videos/comments/thumbs up can be entered in as evidence against God. Please let me know how I'm suppose to understand your meaning. Are you making up those percentages? Or is that a statistic you can back up? Please provide more information. Frankly, I don't think a whole lot of believers spend their time recording web cam videos and uploading them to You Tube. On the other hand You Tube is rich with videos made up mostly by people who seem to have fairly fuzzy logic and a loose grasp on both science and theology. I've watched most of them and they're all pretty much the same. Using the same source points as their ammunition against a Creator. It's amazing what a Richard Dawkins book and an afternoon with Google can do to an average man's ego.

Again? With the amputees? Do you happen to be an amputee of some sort? I apologize if I'm stretching or If I'm out of line in some way, but I felt inclined to ask. The short answer, I don't know. And not knowing something doesn't disprove anything. If I had to postulate, I'd say that physically manifesting an new limb would break the natural laws of known physics and blow the minds of human beings thus asserting God physically into this world.(God could, of course, do it in a heartbeat) You see faith is what God seeks. Faith requires belief in something outside of yourself without physical proof that it exists. A physical re-manifestation of a limb would be God saying 'I'm here, this is proof'. It would remove the need for faith. God wants us to choose him. To see that he is the one true God. With physical proof we would become slaves. We'd either fall in line or choose to revolt, because there would be no denying that there is a God. He doesn't want that. He wants willful relationship.

Ah yes Epicurus. Quite the dude. Thought a lot of himself. Good brain on him though, albeit misdirected. He felt, as to many modern day humans, especially North Americans, that the human intellect is the highest form of evolution within the Universe. That his logic and reason can make sense of the world around him. We can thank him for the scientific method, as well as for holding it up as the barometer to establish all that is 'real' and 'knowable'. He was also an ego maniac and held feasts in his own name. Just because it's old and Greek, doesn't mean it carries any weight. Whether ancient Greece or a lab at MIT, it's still man assuming he can make sense of all of this. He's quote is nice. It's clever. But it's totally misguided, I'm afraid. He's not taking into account the presence of sin in this world. His foundational knowledge of God is off. All style, no substance. Basically all this man is saying is that because I don't understand, It's not real. That's all.

Yes, I've seen that video, I've seen all of his videos. He's one of those who think they're smarter then they actually are. He seems like a lonely guy with too much time on his hands. He makes so many generalizations that it makes it very hard to watch. His basic misunderstanding of good and evil is obvious. He boiled it down to two God views? A malevolent or apathetic God? Ha. I'm glad he's speaking to the mind of a 'religious' person. :)

Also his last question is off the mark. He asks 'if you were to believe in a god what sort of role would you want him to play?' This question is ridiculous. It's not a matter of us choosing which role we want God to play. The question should be if there's a God, who created all things, what role should I play. We are the creation. God wants us to be in relationship with him. Live for him. That's the role he plays, regardless of what humans want. That's a scary thought until you understand that nothing but good comes from him. In him there is no evil or sin.

The video proved nothing except The Amazing Atheist's simple lack of understanding of the simple concepts behind who and what God is. He only proved how un-amazing he truly is.

Take care dude.
Talk soon,

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